TITAN Conveyor Machine:
1- Stainless steel
2- Made of for different angle (180 degrees/ 90 degrees)
3- Multi speed and control with AC Drive
4- Height adjustable
5- Material belt based on customer order
TITAN Automatic Burger Machine:
1- Stainless steel
2- Plug and play
3- Compact size ideal for medium and small factory
4- Piston flow system for forming shape and juicy burger
5- Up to 35 stroke/ minute
6- Hydraulic system for meat cylinder
7- Pressure sensor for better forming and weighting burger
8- Pneumatic for mold and ejector
9- Color Hi-resolution PLC
10- Stainless steel Conveyor
11- paper transition (optional)
12- easy changing size and shape of mold
TITAN Manual Burger Machine:
1- stainless steel cylinder
2- gearbox with two speed and pressure for easy forming and loading
3- up to 10 stroke/ minute depended of worker man
4- easy working
5- easy changing size and shape of mold